“Thank you for your assistance with the job opening that we have. We have been
very impressed with the response that we have received regarding this position.
We look forward to working with Better Idaho Falls Jobs.com in the future.“
KaReena S.
Client Support Specialist
Raymond James Financial Services Inc
I like that BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com is simple to use. Easy to register, easy to add the description. No lag time or holding time to post. Really appreciated the fact that the rep called and checked in to make sure everything was working okay and offered wonderful customer service. The process altogether was simple. No holdups.
Double M Transport, LLC
Workin.com has the most efficient and cost effective avenue for placing employment ads in Eastern Idaho. The account representatives are great, and the ads are always placed within minutes of my request. I recommend BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com and BetterPocatelloJobs.com to any employer looking for good, qualified candidates.
Thanks so much, Brittani Harada
American Family Insurance
“I was very pleased with the response we received from our employment ad on
Better Idaho Falls Jobs. We had at least 10 resumes in the first 2 weeks for a
very specific position.I will use BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com again.“
Linda S.
American Classifieds
As soon as we posted our position at BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com, we received immediate responses. We received resumes from candidates who we otherwise would not have seen if it werent for BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com its a great resource!
Lead Recruiter-Mass Markets
Corporate Recruiting
Qwest Communications
“Thank you so much for your assistance in helping us post and fill our position when
we weren't getting many applicants coming into the store. Better Idaho Falls
Jobs.com definitely worked for us. I would recommend Better Idaho Falls Jobs.com for
anyone having a hard time getting applicants for their positions they are trying to
Cheryl A.
The Gap
We had good response, great age group. In this day in age, a lot of people are using computers so using BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com is a convenient and easy way to get our job openings out there. We were able to hire 4 people for this position.
-Karyl Chapman
Watkins Distributing Sales & Service
Thank you very much for giving me these hits on jobs. I did get hired this week as a parts puller. I'm still shooting for a job at Qwest. I will have my wife do her profile on this website this week. Once again, thank you.
Former Job Seeker
“Better Idaho Falls Jobs worked awesome. We had a
great individual contact us for the position only a day
after we put our ad on the site and
he has been working with us since he put his two week
notice in. He mentioned to us that he was told by a
friend to take a look at your website and he found us
just two days after we posted the ad. Thanks again.
Well use your website again when we are looking for
key people.“
Jason L.
Creations West Inc.
I have found the BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com an easy process to getting exposure and visibility to our job openings. I appreciate the follow-up and quick response from our rep and others.
Denise Metcalf, SPHR, CIC, CISR - Director of Human Resources
HUB International Mountain States Limited
I loved the fact that not only was posting itself was quick and easy, I received a couple of resumes right away! IdahoFallsJobs.com is doing something right!
-Sandy Wilson
Girl Scouts
BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com did a good job with my job posting. I will definitely try BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com again!
-Kristi T.
Ermals Auto Body
“As a Fortune 200 company, high-quality recruiting is imperative for us and that
is exactly what we get. Our recruiting is up over 15% since using Better Idaho Falls
Regional Office
“Using Better Idaho Falls Jobs has worked out very well for us. We have ran employment
ads twice with BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com. The first time for a telemarketer position of which
we got about 15 resumes and found our new staff member. The second time
we were looking for an IT associate for our team and found a qualified candidate by the
second day.“
Deven S.
Front Row
The Better Idaho Falls Jobs website has been a great addition to our company. We have used their services for over 7 years to find high quality applicants and we will continue to do so in the future. The staff are willing to give ideas and helpful tips to promote our ad. Our ads go into the system quickly and efficiently. We recommend their services to everyone. Thank you Betteridahofallsjobs.com for creating a great website!
Hollyrae Jackson
Creations Of A Child Preschool
“We were overwhelmed by the response to our ad on Better
Idaho Falls Jobs.com. We had well qualified
individuals who were courteous and respectful to our
needs. I will definitely use your service again.“
Thanks for providing me with this great tool. I found my current job through
Better Idaho Falls Jobs. I appreciate the fact that you send listing to my inbox, you
make all listing available to me and the employers really do use Better Idaho Falls
here in Idaho Falls. When I have had technical difficulties, you have promptly
This is a wonderful service you are providing.“
Job Seeker
Our rep was very helpful. Im always busy and it was nice to be able to trust her with the job postings. I will definitely be using BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com again.
-Holly Young
I have used BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com several times over the last 1 ½ years to post openings for positions in our Idaho Falls location. The representatives are always friendly, personable, and helpful. We have been extremely satisfied with the activity and exposure we had with the postings. The tools and features are easy to use and we will definitely consider posting positions with this job board in the future. I highly recommend BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com.
LeAnne Sullivan
Human Resources Manager
Syringa Networks, LLC
“I like using Better Idaho Falls Jobs because you can
narrow down your search. You get to decide who you do
want to interview, and who you don't.“
Holly J.
Creations of a Child Preschool
“I really can't believe the response we have been
getting from our ads with Better Idaho Falls Jobs!
I have had a wonderful time interviewing some
wonderfully qualified people.
Thanks for all you do!“
Holly J.
Creations of a Child
Posting jobs is very easy with the help of the reps. I email my job description, and the reps help post, its a very quick turnaround for posting. The positions get filled quickly which makes posting on BetterIdahoFallsJobs.com totally worthwhile.
-Steve Nelson
Norco, Inc.
“I was very pleased with your service. We have filled
all the position and things are working nicely. Thank
you for your help I will look forward to using this
same service in the future.“
Scott M.
Rigby Produce